Ivy's Garden

where webpages are cultivated...

The Gardener

image of developer outdoors with a background of river rocks
Hi, I am Ivy. I enjoy being active. I love to garden. And just like the possibilities of the big outdoors...
  I love to code!

My Cultivars

Group Project 2: Feast of Friends
Group Project 1: Cards Against Apathy
a screen shot with 0s and 1s background and a coding quiz challenge in a yellow box
Work Day Scheduler
a purple screenshot of work day scheduler day planner
Coding Quiz Challenge
a screen shot with 0s and 1s background and a coding quiz challenge in a yellow box
Password Generator
password generator with white brick wall background
Horiseon - Marketing Agency
man standing as part of a marketing meeting in a conference room

Contact Me

Tel. No.:
+1 777-777-7777